Autumn classes starting soon

Have you a new puppy or have you decided your dog needs a few more manners or you want something more  then try foundation agility, rally, tricks and puppy

2024 dog training classes for all ages- evenings or daytime (tuesday or thursday)

New Online courses in 2024

Does your dog stress down or get over aroused when the pressure comes on. This course will give you and your dog some skills to help manage and reshape his brain so that he stresses less and you have the tools to help him settle down.

Next class March

Puppy Dairy

Follow what I do with my puppy, post videos of your own pup.

One on One help

Puppy, manners, over aroused, tricks, rally and agility

Cant attend class or have a dog that is easily aroused or nervous . Especially useful for those dogs with a tendency to be aggressive I can give you some games to play that will help your dog start to pay attention to you and ignore other dogs and people.  Learning will be through video demos and zoom consultations . Cost 100 for first one on one session.

Start at your convience

Puppy classes for puppies aged up to 6 months.

We will introduce new environmental stimuli, play games to encourage your puppy to run back to you fast when you call, games for calmness, self control. as well as dealing with any issues arising. we will teach you to teach your pup. Featuring my puppy.  Cost 180 for six weeks

Next class August - Thursday 5pm other times if required

Older puppy/ adult manners and life skills classes

These classes are designed to give you the tools to shape your dogs behaviour while you both have fun,  This will help your dog to listen to you. It will provide you with the tools to help your dog to want to learn. Cost 180 for six week course

Start August

Advanced classes

Want to do more with your dog. A combination tricks, agility, rally class with some extra work on manners is a good option. 

On request

Foundation and agility for fun classes

Foundation agility classes - these provide the foundation behaviours required to start agility training,

Agility for fun- some classes to introduce some basic agility in a fun safe environment. Cost 180 for six week class

Rally and Trick Dog Training classes for those who want to do more with their dog

Rally classes can be joined at any time. Rally is a fun form of obedience and involves you and your dog following a course and doing different activities eg sit, turn, walk across a plank etc. It helps you keep working on your basic behaviours in a fun environment

Tricks- short courses on tricks are available. these range from simple tricks like shaking hands and rolling over to more complex like opening doors. Skill level depends on participants

Foundation agility classes Sundays August at 1pm


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