positive reward based dog training


There could be several reasons why your dog won't come when called.

Here are some common factors to consider:

1. Training Issues

Inconsistent Training: If you haven't consistently trained your dog to come when called, they might not understand the command or if you have used different commands eg come or come come


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May 4, 2023

Puppy Socialisation- what is it

Puppy socialization is an essential aspect of raising a healthy, well-adjusted, and well-behaved dog. The more positive experiences a puppy is exposed to the more likely that they will become a happy relaxed adult.Here are some tips for socializing your puppy:1.  &...
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I thought for my first blog I would talk about my dogs and how I got into training. I have always been attracted to animals with all my earliest memories are of animals even if they werent mine. I always knew where the local animals were and if I went missing I would be loca...
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