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Puppy Socialisation- what is it

Puppy socialization is an essential aspect of raising a healthy, well-adjusted, and well-behaved dog. The more positive experiences a puppy is exposed to the more likely that they will become a happy relaxed adult.

Here are some tips for socializing your puppy:

1.    Start early: The critical socialization period for puppies is between 3 and 14 weeks of age. But it should continue through out a dogs life – just be aware there are periods when a dog is less confident.

2.    Socialisation includes a wide range of things- people (beards, children different ages, males, females etc), dogs, other animals, different profiles (rain goats, glasses, hats etc), things that move, things make noises, different surfaces, noises, smells, etc.

3.    However, you must be your dogs advocate in that don’t force them to do anything. Introduce slowly and at a level at which your pup can cope with. Tis means you want it to be at a level (loudness, closeness) that your pup is aware and thinking but not frightened. Positive experiences with novelty encourage your pup to expect that the presence of a novel thing is exciting not scarey. Praise and reward your puppy at this point. Don’t force them to interact at tis stage if they are shy. Let them work out that it is okay.

4.    Gradual exposure: Introduce your puppy to new experiences gradually, starting with less intimidating situations and gradually increasing the level of challenge. For example, you can start by introducing your puppy to one new person at a time and gradually increase the number of people they meet.

5.    Supervision: Supervise all socialization experiences and interactions to ensure that they are positive and safe for your puppy. If you notice signs of fear or discomfort, remove your puppy from the situation and try again later or with a different approach.

6.    Training: Use socialization experiences as an opportunity to teach your puppy basic obedience commands, such as sit, stay, and come. This will help your puppy learn to focus and respond to your commands, even in new and challenging situations.

7.    Consistency: Be consistent in your approach to socialization and training. Use positive reinforcement techniques consistently and ensure that all members of your household are on the same page regarding your puppy's training and socialization.

In summary, socializing your puppy is an essential aspect of raising a happy and healthy dog. Start early, use positive reinforcement, and ensure that all socialization experiences are safe and supervised. With patience and consistency, you can help your puppy grow into a confident, well-adjusted adult dog


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