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Puppy Socialisation

Puppy socialization is the process of exposing a young puppy to a wide variety of experiences, environments, people, animals, and objects in a positive and controlled way.  Proper socialization reduces the risk of future behavioural problems such as fear, aggression, and anxiety later on. A well-socialized dog is more likely to be friendly, confident, and adaptable to new situations.Key Aspects of Puppy Socialization:Exposure to People: Introduce the puppy to people of different ages, gende...

August 14, 2024

Why does my dog not come when I call


June 24, 2024

How much time should I spend training my puppy

How much time should I spend training my puppy.This is a common question I get and always gets me thinking about what is training.First thing to remember is training happens 24 hours a day not just when you are training and it is about the decisions you make almost unconsciously. In training you ask your dog to sit nicely rather than jump up and he does the rest of the time he jumps up, you practise walking nicely on lead when you are training but when you take him for a walk you let him pull, w...

September 22, 2023

My puppy- goals and training plans

I cant believe it is now a week since I picked up my puppy.I wasn’t sure quite what to expect as I have only had bigger dogs before and recently have had crazy heading dogs although I work with a lot of varieties of puppies.As always I drew up a list of goals – short term and more long term (12 mth plus) goals. These are much the same for each puppy.  Long term goals/dreams include things like a well behaved dog that is happy and fits in well with my lifestyle as well as sport related g...

August 25, 2023

Getting a new puppy

 Here are some important things to teach your puppy: Potty Training: Your puppy needs to be taught where to eliminate and when to do so. Starting a consistent routine of taking them outside to use the bathroom can help prevent indoor accidents and aid in their potty training.Socialization: It is crucial to expose your puppy to different environments, people, and other animals. Socialization helps your puppy grow into a well-adjusted and confident dog, by reducing the likelihood of futu...

August 14, 2023

How do I tire my dog out as he is always so full of energy

1.       Dogs need daily physical exercise to keep them healthy and tire them out. Go for long walks, play fetch in the park, or engage in activities that get them moving and running in your backyard. The amount of exercise required depends on your dog's breed, size, and age.2.       Mental stimulation is just as important if not more important as physical exercise and can tire out your dog mentally. A dog that gets a lot of physical ex...

July 23, 2023

Should your dog go to doggie day care


June 16, 2023

Helping your reactive dog part 2

Training a reactive dog can be a challenging task, but it is possible with the right approach and consistency. Here are some tips to help you train your reactive dog:1.    Understand your dog's triggers: Observe your dog closely to identify what triggers their reactive behaviour. This could be other dogs, people, bicycles, cars, children, loud noises, or anything else that causes them to react.2.    Manage the environment: When you know what triggers your dog, you c...

April 21, 2023

Reactive dogs


April 5, 2023

What is the most important thing to teach your dog

What can you teach your dog. There are so many  things that it would be great our dog could do. We want to have funplaying with our dog, we may want them to come on adventurers with us, be polite to visitors, and be calm when we want them to be. But where do we start. What do you think is the most important thing to train your dog - sit - come - dont jump up - dont run away - walk on lead - lie on a bed - no barking etc These are all important but.. What do you train or teach first Non...

January 3, 2022

Loving my naughty dogs - my journey into training

I thought for my first blog I would talk about my dogs and how I got into training. I have always been attracted to animals with all my earliest memories are of animals even if they werent mine. I always knew where the local animals were and if I went missing I would be located with the local horse, sheep , dog,,, I wasnt allowed pets so I used to sneak caterpillars, bees or shrimps from the local pond in and keep them. Later on I spent alot of time working in the science labs where I ...

May 21, 2021 Posts 1-11 of 11 | Page

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